Brian Ballantyne Specifications (BBS) is a firm of independent construction specifications writers, located just outside Toronto, ON. BBS has been a leader in construction specification writing in Canada for 25 years. With a team of 12 full-time specifications writers, BBS is one of the largest firms of independent specification writers in Canada. We are proud of the growing team of Architects with whom we have the privilege of working.
BBS provides construction specification writing support to Architectural and Interior Design firms, as well as Design/Build teams, Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) teams, and Public-Private Partnership (P3) teams.
While the majority of our clients are located in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary and Halifax, our projects span throughout North America, from Montreal to North Carolina, from Thunder Bay to Los Angeles, from Dartmouth to Okanagan. We have succeeded in completing thousands of projects ranging in construction values from $200,000 to $1.5 billion, and in excess of $3 billion annually.

We approach specification writing as an interactive process with our clients, using colour coded draft specifications and spreadsheets to facilitate information exchange and to provide a measure of quality assurance.
Each project starts from a Master Specification to ensure the most up-to-date information is utilized for every project.
The BBS Master Specs are created and managed by BBS. We also subscribe to and use the National Master Specification (NMS) and the AIA MasterSpec.
Ranging from small to large, commercial, educational, industrial and hospitality projects, and interior and exterior projects, the possibilities are endless, and there are no limits, just more experience and expertise to be gained.
Specification Writing Services for
Architectural Projects
Outline Specifications
Public-Private Partnership (P3) Project Specifications
Provincial Infrastructural Project Specifications
Project Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC/PWGSC) Specifications
Specifying formats:
National Master Specification (NMS)
Masterformat/Section Format/Page format
AIA MasterSpec
Experience/Involvement with Sustainable Design projects:
Green Globes
Net Zero
Toronto Green Standards

Beaverbrook Art Gallery Addition Architect - KPMB Architects Fredericton, New Brunswick

The George R. Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art Architect - KPMB Architects Toronto, ON

Mike & Ophelia Lazardis Quantum-Nano Centre, University of Waterloo Architect - KPMB Architects Waterloo, ON

National Arts Centre Rejuvenation Architect - Diamond Schmitt Architects Ottawa, ON Photograph by Jeangagnon / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)
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Polygon Gallery Architect - Patkau Architects Inc. North Vancouver, BC Photograph by Shaundd / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)
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The Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts Architect - Diamond Schmitt Architects Toronto, ON

The City of Whitehorse Operations Building Architect: RDHA Yukon Territory Image courtesy RDHA

Lunenberg County Lifestyle Centre Architects in Joint Venture - Diamond Schmitt Architects and Lydon Lynch Architects Photo courtesy Lydon Lynch Architects Lunenburg, NS
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Stanton Territorial Hospital Renewal Project Architect - Kasian Architecture Inc. Yellowknife, NT Render courtesy Kasian

Bridgepoint Hospital Architect - HDR Architecture Associates Toronto, ON Photograph by Jason Paris [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
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Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport Architects - MJM Architects and Patkau Architects Toronto, ON Photograph by Jason Paris on Flickr [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
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Richmond Olympic Oval Architect - CannonDesign Richmond, BC Photograph by popejon2 from Paddington, Australia (Richmond Olympic Oval by Night) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
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The Royal Conservatory of Music Performance and Learning Centre Architect - KPMB Architects Toronto, ON

Brown Family House of Learning, Thompson Rivers University Architect - Diamond Schmitt Architects Kamloops, BC Photo by Pjbosco (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons. Sky and colour manipulation to image.
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Leslie L. Dan Pharmacy Building, University of Toronto Architect - Moffat Kinoshita Architects Toronto, ON Photo by paul (dex) bica from toronto, canada / CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)
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BMO Field Renovations Architect - Gensler Toronto, ON Photograph by Qmanwiki (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia - Commons
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Medicine Hat Regional Hospital Architects - Diamond Schmitt Architects and Gibbs Gage Architects Medicine Hat, AB

Vancouver International Airport - Expedited Transfer Facility Architect - Kasian Architecture Inc. Richmond, BC

French River Provincial Park Visitor Centre Architect - Baird Sampson Neuert Architects French River, ON

Art Gallery of Hamilton Architect - KPMB Architects Hamilton, ON

Oakridge Development Architect - Diamond Schmitt Architects Vancouver, BC Image is credited to Westbank and Hayes Davidson

Oakville Trafalgar Community Centre - Diamond Schmitt Architects Oakville, ON